Broken hill, NSW
Listing ID: 541721
150,000 acres of Western Downs/Rangelands country available for cattle agistment. The area has had its yearly rainfall in only 6 months, so there is a good body of feed available. Mix of rangeland grasses, Mitchell grass and saltbush with reliable water for stock. The property is well fenced, with a good set of yards and truck access. Owner has some of his own cattle on the property so can assist with monitoring the stock during the term of agistment. Property would suit fattening of weaners or putting some condition on older cows. Asking between $5 – 7/head/week depending on the animal.
Animal Welfare
Property Owner NOT ResponsibleAdditional Responsibilities on Offer from Property Owner
Type of Fencing
CombinationType of Water Available on the Property
DamTypes of Feed Available on the Property
Native PastureCurrent Livestock on the Property
CattleOther Comments
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