Trundle, NSW
Listing ID: 971439
800 acres of gentle undulating hills with good runoff and 150 acres or so of gilgais (natural waterholes). Paddocks are mostly rye grass and sub clover with other native grasses. Lots of feed at the moment, so would carry 100+ head of cattle for 6 months, and maybe longer depending on the season and future pasture growth. Stock water is supplied by dams. Good fencing, mostly netted with barb wire at the top. The landowner can check stock regularly and sit with working the stock if needed.
Animal Welfare
Property Owner ResponsibleAdditional Responsibilities on Offer from Property Owner
Would prefer cattle to be drenched for worms either before arriving or at delivery.Type of Fencing
CombinationType of Water Available on the Property
DamTypes of Feed Available on the Property
Native Pasture, Improved PastureCurrent Livestock on the Property
SheepOther Comments
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