Wentworth, NSW
Listing ID: 762896
1500 lambs required to graze a mix of rangeland grasses, forbs and bush. The property is large (30,000 acres) but only roughly 1/3 stocked with Dorper sheep. The opportunity exists to agist approximately 1500 lambs for the short term – 3 months minimum or longer as long as the feed holds up. Good fences and facilities. **Lanholder on site to monitor stock and water as well as yarding the sheep with 1 weeks notice. Asking $1.10/head/week + 5% commission + GST (negotiable)**
Animal Welfare
Property Owner ResponsibleAdditional Responsibilities on Offer from Property Owner
Can monitor stock and waters and report to agistee.Type of Fencing
CombinationType of Water Available on the Property
Dam, TroughTypes of Feed Available on the Property
Native PastureCurrent Livestock on the Property
SheepOther Comments
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